The more we allow ourselves to be …
the more we become

There’s no “thing” outside of you that you have to “become” in order to do, be or experience any of the things you wish or desire. All you have to be is more of YOU.

We’re here to embody our own unique energy. Our energy is not results but our energy does get results — and when we start working with our energy— we get results fast.

When we start to hold more of our own frequency — everything outside of us automatically starts to self correct.

This is what people mean when they use the term “quantum shifts”. When we shift internally, the external world around us shifts too.

We don’t have to control (in fact we learn to do the opposite) and our heart based desires start to automatically align with us, effortlessly in that magical way that we all desire.

We become MAGNETIC.

soul SESSIONs: $250

for stepping through

Soul healing and soul guidance sessions.

In individual sessions we work to determine whether there may be any soul aspects that need healing and we work to release emotional energy somatically. In these sessions I will also bring through guidance to help a person align with their authentic soul path, soul gifts and help a person to connect with their full soul light.

These sessions are fast, effective and are fully integrated. They often help to facilitate rapid transformation in a person’s healing journey, when energetic patterns and cycles are broken. Each session are is different and is tailored to what may be needed at the time.

expansion mentoring: 6 weeks immersion — $2000

for stepping up

Embody your next level self. Expansion mentoring is suitable for those going through a period of rapid expansion, who are being called to step up into their next level of service.

This is intensive energy work and support to get you from Point A to Point B quickly. You get continuous access to mentoring and guidance, where we work closely together to facilitate you energetically leveling up. This work is focused on embodiment: how do you become this next level version of yourself? With energy release work, I support you to move through the emotional blocks as they come up and you are given a massive amount of energy support, so that you can really align with what you are stepping into.

This work is quantum and happens fast. The focus is always on your highest expression and service.

let’s chat - connecting call